Reasons An Injury Lawyer In Orangeville May Suggest You Avoid Trials

A personal injury claim can be settled in two ways. One is to go for a formal courtroom where there will be a judge and a jury panel to whom your Injury Lawyer in Orangeville will present your case. The other way is the informal route which is by negotiating with the defendants and the insurance companies. Both these processes are legally binding. That means even if you settle the case out of the court and get your claim you will not be able to make a formal claim on the same case ever in the future. It is up to you to decide as to which method you will follow.

Negotiation is favored

The informal way of settling an injury claim case is most favored in the personal injury circuit. In fact, more than 90% of the entire personal injury cases are resolved out of the court even before filing a formal lawsuit. It is for this reason that the first attempt of an Injury Lawyer in Orangeville is to get your case settled out of the court. Well, there are also several other reasons that the attorney may suggest you not to go for a formal trial apart from this and that involves times, money and risks.

Consider the privacy factor

Out of the court settlements ensure privacy in getting an injury claim case resolved. This is because this process involves the least number of participants that includes the defendant, the plaintiff and the insurance company that will eventually pay for the damages. It may or may not involve the Injury Lawyer in Orangeville directly. Even if the case is settled through arbitration or mediation the matter remains behind closed doors even if it goes for trial next. The court cases on the other hand involves the lawyers from the two sides. the judge, the jury and even the audience and media giving a lot of exposure. If you love privacy, you should avoid trials.

About time factor

Court cases take a longer time to get settled as compared to out of the court settlements. This is because there are lots of time-taking factors involved in trials. First, the evidences need to be scrutinized and investigated by the other party, a process called ‘discovery’ and it takes time. You will also need to wait for your turn to be heard as the court calendar as well as the schedule of the judge is hectic. It also takes time to arrange a proper jury panel. Most importantly, the Injury Lawyer in Orangeville needs to wait for Maximum Medical Improvement before proceeding. Appeals will also add to the time.

Money and risks

The lawyer may also suggest you not to go for trials because there is a risk in it. The final judgment of your case will be in the hands and mercy of the judge and the jury. You will have to accept whatever offered to you. It can be lower the amount you were offered during negotiation or even higher. Lastly, trials will cost you more in court and lawyers fees along with other legal expenses. Therefore, know the worth before going for trials. To read more Click Here