Decoding The Common Injuries of Slip And Fall Accidents With A Personal Injury Lawyer Niagara Falls

When you talk of slips, trips and falls, perhaps one of the most obvious causes will be defective stairs and ladders. Unsecured surfaces and ladders, and using tools and chairs are major reasons in this regard. You use other pieces of furniture as ladders. Stairs that don’t have proper handrails are dangerous. If you don’t use handrail and rush up or down the stairs, you’re invariably exposing yourself to risk of slipping. According to the Health Department, out of more than two million emergency visits due to injuries, nearly 660,000, you had accidental trips and falls as the major cause. You need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls to mention the causes in your lawsuit.

Know the injuries

Let’s start with head injuries. Slip and fall cases are a common cause of traumatic brain injuries. A TBI could be severe. It might lead to cognitive impairment, recurrent seizures, and minor concussion or mood changes that you can heal with proper rest. Hip fractures are another common thing. Studies reveal that 90% of all hip fractures step from slip and fall accidents. It’s an issue particularly with the elderly. These injuries often require hospitalization, surgery, insertion or planting of an artificial, and in most cases, extensive and costly rehabilitation. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls can offset the costs by putting them in your claim.

Back and spinal cord injuries

The nature and impact of the slip and fall can lead to fracture in the vertebrae. It can cause slipped or herniated discs. Spinal column injuries can cause temporary or permanent paralysis along with other neurological and sensory impairments. In shoulder injuries, shoulder dislocations and injuries in the brachial plexus are very painful. They often require physical therapy and surgery. Abrasions and cuts are too common as well. Slip and fall mishaps often cause these injuries, and wounds to the head and hip. You can treat these injuries with a few stitches or superficial treatment. A Personal Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls ensures you get compensation for these damages.

Sprains and fractures

A slip and fall accident can cause an ankle twist or knee sprain. It causes spraining in the connecting ligaments. You call them soft tissue injuries. You’ll find that the impact can lead to fractures as well. The most common forms are those in the leg, ankle, forearm, spine, hip, hand, and pelvis. You need to immediate medical attention after an accident. Only after starting a treatment, you can call an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls to discuss the merits of your claim.

The preliminary factors

In the wake of these accidents, there are certain preliminary factors that you need to consider. They may pose an obstacle to your recovery if you don’t deal with them immediately. The prime examples are taking videos and photos of the hazard and location. You need to take essential measurements for ensuring that the property build matches with the code. The lawyers put potential defendants and parties on the claim notice, obtain witness statements/information, obtain video footage of the accident, if available, and test the slipperiness of the premises. You need to preserve your footwear for legal reasons. To read more Click Here