Will Injury Lawyer In Niagara Falls Emphasize On An Early Resolution?

There are a few important steps followed by the Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls for proceeding with your personal injury claim case. It starts with the demand letter that is drafted in the legal format and sent to the defendant or the insurance company involved or both in few cases. It is the most important tool that initiates the negotiation process to which the other party usually has thirty days to verify, investigate and make an offer. This letter outlines the facts of the case from your perspective. It signifies that you intend to file a claim if not compensated and puts the defendant on notice.

Contents of The Letter

In the demand letter, the Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls will include the details of the injuries suffered by you, the reason to consider defendant to be at fault, the dollar amount of the claim and a request to the defendant to contact the insurance company to inform about the claim. It will also include your name and contact details along with your signature. Whether you faced a car crash or are a victim of medical malpractice, a dog bit you or you slipped and fell it is the demand letter which is the primary tool that will set forth the settlement process.

Set Stage For Early Resolution

The Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls will set the stage for an early resolution to your case. Depending on the amount that you have claimed in the initial demand letter according to the severity of your injuries it is highly likely that an uninsured defendant will be more inclined to get the case settled early. It is the same with the defendants who have been sued for similar claims before. This is due to the reason that they do not want to report the insurance company about another claim or have the bitter experience of going through the litigation process that is costly and do want to incur another one.

The Negotiation Process

When the opponent party makes the first settlement offer, the dice is set rolling for negotiation by the Injury Lawyer in Niagara Falls. Often, insurance companies know the cost and hassles involved in a litigation process along with the time and labor wasted. In such situations few insurance companies will want to resolve the case fast and settlements can be made even over the phone or simple exchange of information in a few sessions. But there may be a few insurance companies that will haggle over the dollars and cents resulting in delay or a logjam. An outside mediator may be employed to find a common ground between both the parties or the case is taken to court.

Importance of Early Resolution

Early resolution is ideally a win-win proposition for you provided all goes as planned. This saves a lot of time for you as well as the insurance company. You will not have to bear the court expenses and the higher fees of the injury attorney thereby saving you a handsome amount. Early resolution comes with cost certainty and faster financial recompense. For more information visit Our Website